Democracy Web, a project of the Albert Shanker Institute, is an on-line resource for the study of democracy. The study guide and map offer an overview of the basic architecture of democracy, give historical background information, and provide a framework for comparing the state of political rights and civil liberties in different countries around the world.
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Featured Reports
IRAN COUNTRY STUDY: Consent of the Governed
Status: Not Free
| Political Rights: 4/40 | Civil Liberties: 7/60
The territory of Iran, previously known as Persia, was ruled by monarchical dynasties or occupied and dominated by foreign powers for nearly all of its recorded history.
BOLIVIA COUNTRY STUDY: Consent of the Governed
Status: Partly Free
| Political Rights: 27/40 | Civil Liberties: 39/60
Bolivia has had 40 years of civilian rule but faces significant challenges following a political crisis in 2019-20.
POLAND COUNTRY STUDY: Free, Fair & Regular Elections
Status: Free
| Political Rights: 33/40 | Civil Liberties: 47/60
Since 1989, Poland has been a free and sovereign country following more than two centuries of foreign domination, occupation, and control.